Feedforward report | | | | | |
PDF report |  |  |  |  |  |
Available in English and in Dutch |  |  |  |  |  |
Download single charts and tables | | | |  |  |
Team/Department/Organisation reports | | | | unlimited number of participants and selections | unlimited number of participants and selections |
Team/Department/Organisation report (maximum 20 participants) | |  | | | |
Online feedforward software | | | | | |
Weekly updates to participants |  |  |  |  |  |
360 degree evaluation | unlimited number of respondents | unlimited number of respondents | unlimited number of respondents | unlimited number of respondents | unlimited number of respondents |
Validated leadership and management qualities |  |  |  |  |  |
Suitable for reporting selection i.a. team/ department/ organisation (no extra cost) | |  | |  |  |
Training for use feedforward software (including licenses) | | | |  |  |
Determine the timing and number of feedforward analyses | | | |  |  |
Flexibility in adapting email texts to the participants and landing pages after completing the test | | | |  |  |
Instruction videos available for use of software, creation of group selection, etc. | | | |  |  |
feedforward updates, maintenance, hosting and software development | | | |  |  |
Software available in Dutch and/or English |  |  |  |  |  |
Development | | | | | |
Feedback from feedforward expert |  |  |  | | |
Training in optimum feedback report (including certificate) | | | |  |  |
Certified coaches / trainers / recruiters receive a listing on our partner web page and a feedforward partner logo | | | | | |
Contact possibility (Skype, email or phone) for questions and additional explanations | | | |  |  |
Pricing | | | | | |
Price per feedforward analysis™ | €200,-/$200.-/£200.- | €200,-/$200.-/£200.- (Workshop costs t.b.d.) | t.b.d. | €100,-/$100.-/£100.- | t.b.d. |
Individual feedback via Skype | €250-.-/$250.-/£250.- | t.b.d | | | |
License fee per user per year, including software updates, maintenance, hosting, helpdesk and development. | | | | €375.-/$375.-/£375.- per year (up to one day prior end of year terminable) | t.b.d. |