feedforward coaching

structure your qualities, ambitions, wishes, and goals

Individual coaching based on the feedforward analysis™ helps you to get an insight into, and to structure your qualities, ambitions, wishes, and goals. You will also learn whether your self-image corresponds to the way others perceive you, whether you should want to improve yourself, and how to do this. The result? Growth and effective personal development.

“Self-improvement means taking small steps to allow yourself to grow.”

Coaching starts with one or more questions. It may concern issues regarding work/life balance, visibility/positioning, political issues, more effective co-operation, or networking. Identity issues are also relevant: who am I, what’s important to me, what are my values and ambitions, or what will be my next step? Coaching helps you to understand what your qualities, ambitions, and wishes are, and teaches you how deal with your displeasures, conflicts, and struggles regarding the pursuit of excellent performance with manageable challenges.

The feedforward coach is not here to solve all your problems for you; instead, the coach will help you to collect the right ‘materials’ that will enable you yourself to positively master your personal development. Becoming aware of one’s qualities forms an important leverage in improvement and/or change. Through personal reflection, the individual feedforward coaching will be a valuable guide in one’s personal development.

“There really lies added value in discussing your personal results with a feedforward coach.
It makes me aware of the qualities I can use to improve other qualities.”
A.O. OUDE HENGEL – Sales Support Manager at Heineken

Possible key subjects in individual coaching:

Personal leadership: personal development issues

Which personal characteristics will help me grow and which might hold me back? How can I cope with that? The desire to work on competencies such as coaching leadership, talent and team development, flexibility in change ability, often trigger such conversations. How do you create an organisation in which people dare to call each other to account, and in which giving and receiving feedback is of key importance?

Career essentials: career, positioning and balance-finding issues

How can I shape my carer positively and effectively, and in such a way that I can fully exploit my talents? What do I want? What suits me? How can I make my input at work visible? How do I want to balance work and life? What are my personal qualities, blind spots, and pitfalls? Together, we will look for the optimal match between your ambitions and the ambitions of your organisation.

Team development: diversity, communication and co-operation issues

How do I put together successful teams? How do I cope with diverse and/or complementary teams? What degree of flexibility is optimal? How to tailor individual ambitions and drives to the organisation’s goals? Issues with engagement, commitment, and co-operation, and bringing these up for discussion are often key in these matters. The goal is to give support in rethinking and chancing underlying thought patterns; and to help you bring your team members to optimal alignment, openness, and co-operation.

The feedforward analysis™ forms a starting point and measure during the individual coaching.

If you have any questions or wish to plan an intake meeting, please contact us.

our services


ABN Amro
Wageningen UR