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Hartelijk dank voor het aanmelden voor onze feedforward nieuwsbrief.

Binnenkort ontvangt u de eerste nieuwsbrief vol met informatie en achtergrondartikelen rond feedback geven en ontvangen, informatie over de feedforward analyse™ en inzicht in de management- en leiderschapskwaliteiten binnen High Performance Teams en Organisaties.

The feedforward analysis provides much clearer, more direct and recognisable points.
Without plain numbers!

Front Office & Reservations Manager

Park Plaza Hotels

There really lies added value in discussing your personal results with a feedforward coach.
It makes me aware of the qualities I can use to improve other qualities.

Manager Sales Support


An enormous source of information; such a rich tool.
The results enable me to go deeper, because it’s presented in an open and positive way and not in a coercive way like ‘thou shalt…’

Lucette Teurlings

Policy Officer Management HR Utrecht University

Wageningen UR
ABN Amro