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Soon you will receive our newsletter full of information and background articles about giving and receiving feedback, information on the feedforward analysis™ and understanding of the management and leadership skills within High Performance Teams and Organizations.

Hartelijk dank voor het aanmelden voor onze feedforward nieuwsbrief.

Binnenkort ontvangt u de eerste nieuwsbrief vol met informatie en achtergrondartikelen rond feedback geven en ontvangen, informatie over de feedforward analyse™ en inzicht in de management- en leiderschapskwaliteiten binnen High Performance Teams en Organisaties.

It is thanks to feedforward that I not only discovered where my weak points were, but also how I could use my qualities to get out of difficult situations.


Hands On, Information Management

For me, feedforward confirms my personality, how I act, and it gives me insight into how I can use my qualities even more effectively.

Manager Sales Support


Feedforward is very stimulating. It identifies the points of development.
The feedback session made me believe that I can actually do it!

Head Central Personnel

Foundation for Fundamental Research on Matter

Wageningen UR
ABN Amro